Withdrawal Policy
eCurater is a committed forum that publishes superior quality original scientific content. Authors, along with all the members at eCurater should adhere to the Publication Ethics and Guidelines to ensure standardized publication. However, after submission of a manuscript for the review process, in some cases, authors wish to cease the manuscript publication process and request a withdrawal. This causes havoc and disrupts the streamlined publication process. The valuable time of the reviewers and editors will be misspent. To avoid such unwarranted activities, eCurater framed the following guidelines.
- The concerns of all the authors involved in manuscript preparation regarding authorship, integrity and approval should be addressed well before submitting the manuscript for publication.
- All authors and coauthors should agree for publishing the article before submission.
- Authors should carefully review the factual data presented in the manuscripts and ensure its accuracy well before submitting the manuscript for publication.
- Research scholars should obtain prior permission from their guides and professors before submitting their manuscripts.
- Authors should follow the publication ethics. See our Publication Ethics page.
- If the manuscript is simultaneously submitted to another Journal, it should be appropriately withdrawn.
- Withdrawal of manuscript at an advanced stage of editorial process, when peer reviews were near completion is considered unethical. In such cases, the APC paid by the authors shall not be refunded.
- Only under the most unavoidable conditions, request for withdrawal will be considered. All the authors must agree to the manuscript withdrawal and submit a “Manuscript Withdrawal Request Form” to the Editorial Board. The board assesses the genuineness of the reason stated and shall respond to the corresponding author of its decision.
- If the request for withdrawal of manuscript is made after the peer review process or in the production stage or post publication, then the author needs to shoulder withdrawal penalty. No penalty shall be incurred by the author if the withdrawal request is made within 48 hours of submission.
Amendments and Retractions
Sometimes, manuscripts need to be called for certain amendments. This could be due to assorted reasons calling for correction of existing information or addition of new information that was not previously included by the author at the time of submission. In such cases, upon writing to the journal either by the readers or by the Corresponding authors, the manuscript will be peer-reviewed again by the Editor-In -Chief, Associate Editors and the concerned reviewer. After the re-evaluation, the final decision of amendment will be published under any one of the following categories:
- Erratum: Any errors occurred during the manuscript editing or production that affect the scientific accuracy of the information are considered to change keeping in view the reputation of the authors and the journal.
- Corrigendum: Any significant correction made by the author in the manuscript comes under Corrigendum. Manuscripts, after request for a Corrigenda by the authors, will undergo reconsideration process.
- Addendum: Addenda are not contradictory materials to the original publications but are that data which authors have omitted at the time of submission. Addendum material will thus be published after peer review.
Retraction: Sometimes, due to invalid results, a paper might need to be withdrawn from publication. All authors must sign and provide consent for a retraction request. They should describe the error and its affects on the paper’s conclusions. If authors do not unanimously agree to a retraction, the Editor-in-Chief will consult Associate Editors and external reviewers and apply the suitable category of amendment, indicating dissenting authors in the text of the published amendment.